July 25, 2022
The Medicine of Slowing Down
Hello Friend,
I am sick in bed but feeling so intensely grateful for this time to gather myself in stillness.
The past months have been rich in feelings, creativity, and time spent traveling with my partner.
Still, I've been feeling an unexplainable need for more grounding in the medicine of slowing down and just being.
The past few days have felt deeply challenging and also freeing.
Illness has a way of bringing clarity. Life becomes incredibly simple in a way.
On any given day, there are 1000 things I could give my attention to, but on days like today, being present with my body and my inner blueprint of heath becomes the only thing that matters.
I know that this is a privilege to be able to pause. I have money to pay immediate bills, and no one depends on me as their primary caregiver. Not everyone has the luxury of space to Truly rest when they need it—something I wish to acknowledge and want to see change radically in our world.
I feel like a fraud for not embodying my values more of ~flowing with > over [forcing] my gifts and medicine.
As a coach and guide, I care about embodiment and creating my life and business to be a win-win-win (for my body/the clients I feel called to serve/and the planet) as in -growing a Truly ethical regenerative, and sustainable business.
Looking back at these past few months, I could have taken the rest I needed but didn't. Sometimes the most challenging thing is to slow down. I know that I have value whether or not I produce anything, whether or not I am serving anyone. It feels both excruciating and liberating to unhook my energy from this cultural conditioning influence and the subconscious belief I need to be constantly in a state of expansion.
I am exhausted from being a highly-sensitive, empathetic soul living in this current late stage of a dying capitalistic paradigm.
I don't have a cute ending to wrap up these thoughts other than to say I am human AF, and that's the whole holy, messy, glorious, divinely messy Fucking point. Happy Monday, y'all!
TRAUMA healing coach
(RTT) hypnosis practitioner